Finding a will in Hungary


~ Legal professionals, some questions/answers to assist you ~


  • When the existence of a will has been established, who has to be contacted to obtain information about its content?

    Under Hungarian law, if information arises about the existence of a will, the Hungarian notary – if the original thereof is not available – shall officially request the authority or person having physical possession of such will to send it to him (or a certified or official copy thereof). Any person who receives credible information about the testator’s death, or any person requested by the Hungarian notary to send the will to him – if having physical possession thereof, or if being aware of its location or of the person holding it – shall send it to the notary, or the relevant information, without delay.

    If the will is kept by a Hungarian notary, a foreign notary or other authority dealing with the succession must request the sending of the will directly from the Hungarian notary.

  • Who is entitled to receive the information?

    Under Hungarian law foreign courts, notaries and other authorities dealing with the succession and foreign executors of the will, administrators of the estate acting in the succession case are entitled to retrieve information from the Hungarian National Register of Wills. Upon such request of the above-mentioned authorities and professionals the Hungarian notary keeping the will sends the certified copy of the will to the requesting authority or professional.

  • Is there a particular procedure to be followed? If so, which one?

    A direct official request must be sent by post to the Hungarian notary keeping the will.

  • By what means can the information be sent?

    The information contained in the will and/or a copy of the will itself are sent by post.

Fiche pratique - Retrouver un testament - Hongrie - EN