Legal notice

Legal notice

1. Publisher information


International Non-Profit Association (AISBL), with its registered office at Rue de la Montagne, 30-34, 1000 Brussels, Belgium, registered under number 0875 868 032.

TVA :  BE 0875868032

Contact (French and English speaking) : 00 33 (0)4 42 54 90 52,

Publication Director : Me Octavian ROGOJANU, ENRWA President

Publication codirector : François-Xavier BARY, ENRWA Director

2. Hosting

FRENCH CONNECTION DOMAINE.FR, single-member LLC, with variable capital of 7,622.45 EUR, with its registered office at 455 promenade des anglais, 06200 Nice, registered with the Trade and Companies Register of under number B 417 546 173

Contact : 0825 701 700

3. Information about the Site

The purpose of the website available at and (hereinafter the ‘Website’) is to inform Internet users about the association's activities and to provide them with information on how to register and search for wills and European certificates of inheritance in different European countries.

4. Intellectual property

The Publisher is the owner of the Site.

All content created or made available on the Website, including but not limited to text, graphics, photographs, illustrations, data, logos and software, is protected by intellectual property law. Your use of the Website does not confer any rights to this content, which remains the exclusive property of the Publisher or, in the case of certain content, is licensed from third parties.

You agree, however, to comply with Belgian laws on industrial protection, copyright, press and communication, as well as with international treaties and agreements relating to this and related fields.

Consequently, you are prohibited from:

  • Reproducing all or part of the elements of the Site protected by copyright for the purpose of sale, distribution, broadcasting, publication or communication in any form without the specific prior written authorisation of the copyright holder;
  • Reuse any information on the Site for commercial or advertising purposes;
  • Enter data on the Site that would or could modify the content or appearance of the data or works appearing on this Site.

Unless expressly stated otherwise with regard to a specific file, document or extract, the Publisher grants you the right to view, store and reproduce copies of this publication for your personal use. In the event of authorised reproduction of part of the Site or its content, the copyright notice must be visible on each copy.

Any unauthorised use, reproduction or adaptation of a page or element of content or original form of the Site constitutes an infringement for which the perpetrator will be held civilly and criminally liable.

5. Guarantees and Responsibilities

The information contained on the Site is the sole responsibility of its author and does not engage the responsibility of the Publisher when the latter is not the author of this information.

The Publisher gives no guarantee, explicit or implicit, and assumes no responsibility relating to the use of the Site.

Under no circumstances shall the Publisher, or any third party involved in the creation of this Site, be liable to or be liable to a user or any other party for any direct or indirect, special, particular or incidental damages arising from the use of this Site or any other site linked to it by a hypertext link, including loss of profit, business interruption, loss of programs or other data from the user's information management system or other, even if the Publisher is expressly informed that damage is possible.

The Publisher does not guarantee the quality, accuracy, currency, order or exhaustiveness of the information or documents on this Site, and is not obliged to update this information.

Finally, the reproduction and distribution of a person's image or video must respect the principles of image rights and privacy rights.

The other documents are provided for information purposes and do not bind the Publisher.

6. Hypertext links

Creation of a hyperlink to the Site

The creation of hypertext links to the content of the Site is authorised, subject to:

  • not to use the deep linking technique, i.e. the pages of the Website must not be embedded within the pages of another site, but accessible by opening a window,
  • mention the source, which will point directly to the relevant content via a hyperlink.

Warning! This authorisation does not apply to websites that disseminate information of a controversial, pornographic or xenophobic nature or which may, to a greater extent, offend the sensibilities of the general public.

Hypertext links on the Site

The Website may contain hypertext links to third-party websites. The Publisher declines all responsibility for access to, content on or use of these websites, particularly the practices and policies regarding the protection of data confidentiality of the websites to which the Website may be linked by hypertext links, and invites you to read them. Your connection to any external website is at your own risk.

7. Contact

If you believe that the Publisher has not complied with the above points, please let us know by post or email at the addresses indicated at the beginning of this document (for the publisher). We will then take steps to identify and correct the problem.

8. Credits

The publication director undertakes to ensure that any photographs and/or videos added are copyright free or, if not, to mention the name of the author of the document.

Libres de droits

Graphics, models and drawings : Boorbool –

9. Changes to the terms and conditions

The Publisher may modify the Site and/or this document at any time. These modifications are binding on you and we recommend that you regularly refer to this Legal Notice to keep abreast of the current version.