The European Network of Registers of Wills Association (ENRWA) is an international non-profit association under Belgian law, created in 2005 by the Belgian, French and Slovenian Notariats.
In compliance with the Basel Convention relating to the establishment of a system for the registration of wills of May 16, 1972, the States which have a register for the recording of wills and which adhere to the ARERT can interconnect these registers, thus enabling all European citizens to discover the wills left by any deceased person regardless of the country in which such will was registered.
Depuis 2015, l’ARERT permet également aux autorités émettrices de certificats successoraux européens (CSE), instauré par le règlement européen sur les successions transfrontalières, de rechercher l’émission d’un CSE dans un autre Etat membre lié par le règlement (c’est à dire tous les Etats membres de l’UE, à l’exception de l’Irlande et du Danemark).
As with lasts wills, the registration of ECSs is carried out within registers The ENRWA interconnects the national registers of wills and ECSs in order to allow queries for those issued in another State, in compliance with the conditions imposed by the latter.This research facilitates the processing of cross-border successions.
The association is committed to continually developing and improving its quality management system
Any organisation applying for membership of ENRWA must fulfil one of the following conditions :
La demande d’adhésion doit être adressée par écrit à l’ARERT, à l’adresse ou au siège social (Rue de la Montagne, 30-34, B-1000 Bruxelles).
Candidatures are then reviewed by the Steering Committee.
The steering committee is composed of five administrators :
The ENRWA articles can be downloaded in PDF format.