ENRWA General Assembly in Riga, 30 June 2023.

The ENRWA held its Plenary assembly on 30 June, alongside the CNUE General assembly. Almost all the members of the association were present to proceed with the annual closing of the accounts and the assessment of the activities carried out in 2022.

Meeting of the Chamber of Notaries of Slovenia, Portorož, 2 June 2023

Mr Octavian Rogojanu, President of the ARERT, presented the European network of registers of wills (RERT/ENRW) before the Slovenian notaries, gathered for their annual training meeting. The event included national and international presentations on digitalisation of notarial services.

Optimisation and performance of the European Network of Registers of Wills and ECS

Entre 2019 et 2021, l’ARERT a bénéficié d’un cofinancement de la Commission européenne, dans le cadre du ” Programme Justice Droits, Égalité et Citoyenneté “. L’association a mis en œuvre avec succès le projet baptisé RERT Improv’ (“Optimisation et performance du réseau européen des registres testamentaires et des CSE”). Le projet RERT Improv’ a permis […]