The aim of the “Interconnecting European Registers of Wills” project is to develop and implement effective interconnection of European registers of wills. In many Member States, a register of wills exists and is managed either by the Notariat or by the State. However, because of a lack of resources, managers of these registers are not always in a position to interconnect with other registers. ENRWA is a not-for-profit association which has developed two applications for the purpose of creating a network of European registers of wills: ENRW/RERT and RERT Light.
ENRW/RERT enables registers of wills to be interconnected directly and automatically.
RERT Light is an effective tool when the register of wills is not computerized or is not centralised. Via a correspondent designated by the manager of the register of wills, the register may search other European registers and/or reply to a search request.
During implementation of the “Europe wills” project, two obstacles to interconnection were identified: the cost of interconnection via ENRW/RERT and the absence of a translation of the RERT Light data entry and reply screens into the various languages recognised by the European Union. At the current time, the screens are available only in English and French.
Consequently, the “Interconnecting European Registers of Wills” project whose objective is to ensure the effective interconnection of registers of wills involves the provision of material and technical assistance to the registers able to interconnect via ENRW/RERT and the translation of the data entry screens for those that can use RERT Light. European citizens will benefit from this interconnection because it will then be far easier to search for wills of family members in the European Union Member States.
Communication on the project and its benefits and establishing contact with managers of registers of wills.
Contact with countries whose registers can be interconnected and an analysis of the situation in order to check the project’s feasibility (state of development and precise operating rules).
Determining the registers for which ENRWA will provide financial support for interconnection on the basis of objective criteria.
Monitoring of the interconnection projects by an ENRWA representative, assisted by technicians. At the same time, translation of the RERT Light screens.
Finalisation of the project: drafting of the final report, validation of the work and organisation of the closing conference.
Dissemination of the programme’s results via publication of the final report and organisation of a closing conference. Support will also be provided to the registers that want to organise an official inauguration of the interconnection of their register via the presence of an ENRWA representative at the inauguration.